Other manufacturers’ logos and references are used for identification only.  OE-OEM Parts is not related to any vehicle or parts manufacturer
Mail: sales@oe-oem.eu?subject=Genuine Parts Enquiry from Website
OE-OEM Parts offer both Genuine and OEM parts
(see note below for definition) for many Ford
models including the ones listed here.
Enquiries & Orders
Please send details of your requirements including:

OE references

Part descriptions


We will then respond with our offer.
Click here to email your requirements
Mail: sales@oe-oem.eu?subject=Ford Enquiry/Order from website   Everest
Genuine and OEM parts

Genuine parts are the parts supplied by the vehicle manufacturer - also known as OE parts.  They are supplied in the vehicle manufacturers’ boxes.
These are rarely manufactured by the vehicle producer but are manufactured, in most cases, by third party companies and supplied to the vehicle producer.

OEM parts are the ones manufactured by third party companies and supplied to the vehicle manufacturer and subsequently released to the aftermarket.
They are supplied in this company’s branded boxes
Online parts lists will be available shortly
See also Mazda
Aftermarket Parts
Click here